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Sneak Peek: Ask Goodnotes, an AI-powered question and answer tool right in your notebook

June 11, 2024

Forgot something in your notes, but don’t know where to find it?

Having trouble understanding one part of your textbook?

Got a long PDF you don’t feel like reading?

Here’s a sneak peek of a new feature in the works: Introducing Ask Goodnotes. Ask Goodnotes is like your own productivity assistant that can retrieve and use any of the information in your notes within seconds.

(Read to the end to find out how you can already sign up to use Ask Goodnotes today!)

Here are four things Ask Goodnotes can do for you:


Picture this: the answer you’re looking for is somewhere PDF A. However, PDF A has about 500 pages.

That’s the perfect scenario for Ask Goodnotes.

Instead of spending way too much time searching for a needle in a haystack, type your question into Ask Goodnotes directly. In a matter of seconds, Ask Goodnotes will scour your document and give you the answer.

In addition, Goodnotes will reference the exact page and spot where it found the information. That way, you get your answer and you know where to look if you want to investigate further.

Summarize complex or lengthy passages

Have you ever found yourself reading the same passage over and over again? Or at some point in your studying realized you’re not absorbing any of the information?

For those lengthy or complicated passages, simply Ask Goodnotes to summarize them into key points in simple language. You can either specify which pages to summarize, or directly circle the paragraph or section in question!

Sample prompts:

  • Summarize the main points in chapter five using bullet points
  • Reword this paragraph using simple language
  • Explain this using a basketball analogy

Automatically generate practice questions to help you review

Testing yourself is one of the most effective ways to commit information to long-term memory.

Now, you can create your own quizzes with practice questions, to ensure that you remember what you’ve studied.

The great thing about the questions created by Ask Goodnotes is that once you’ve completed all of them, you can generate more.

The waitlist is open for a limited time!

Ask Goodnotes is currently available for early access to the first 1 million people who sign up from June 11-17 2024. Simply open your app to sign up.

If you can’t see the waitlist sign up, we may already be full, or Ask Goodnotes may not be available in your region. Please see the FAQs or User Guide for more help!

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